With bangs, pops and dramatic flashes, on Tuesday, March 11, Duke Energy line crews recreated live-voltage scenarios to foster a better understanding about the dangers of electricity as well as the precautions needed around power lines.
The presenters used an open utility trailer equipped with two transformers connected by a primary wire for the demonstration. As part of the demonstration, presenters used a hot dog to simulate what it might be like if a person touched a line.
More than 40 first responders from the Kokomo Fire Department, Howard County Emergency Management Agency, Greentown Police Department, Cass County Emergency Management Agency, and Russiaville Fire Department participated in this educational opportunity provided by Duke Energy at its Kokomo Operations Center.
Duke Energy Indiana provides about 6,300 megawatts of owned electric capacity to approximately 910,000 customers in a 23,000-square-mile service area, making it Indiana’s largest electric supplier.