IU Kokomo honors faculty for service

Written on 08/28/2024
Danielle Rush, Communications Specialist, Indiana University Kokomo

Educators earn recognition for research, teaching, diversity

Indiana University Kokomo honored faculty for outstanding teaching, research, and service at its annual fall convocation.

Rosalyn Davis, clinical professor of psychology, received the Chancellor’s Diversity Excellence Award and the Virgil Hunt Distinguished Service Award.

Hyunkang Hur, associate professor of public administration and health management, received the senior faculty scholarship award.

Dmitriy Chukov, Mark Meng, Alina Mihai, Leigh Swartzendruber and Andy Tuholski received IU Trustees Teaching Awards.

Davis was selected for both the Chancellor’s Excellence Diversity Award and the Virgil Hunt Distinguished Service Award by two separate selection committees.

The Virgil Hunt Distinguished Service Award recognizes outstanding service by resident faculty and staff. The Chancellor’s Diversity Excellence Award recognizes a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice by resident faculty and staff.

Davis has served as faculty equity liaison since 2014, and as a member of the Graduate Education Committee since 2016. She was recently elected to the Graduate Faculty Council, representing IU Kokomo and the regional campuses, and was involved in the development of the diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice portion of the Teaching for Student Success modules available to all IU faculty. She advises the Psychology Club, has led national and international travel opportunities, and mentored students. She’s also been part of the Human Library at the Kokomo Howard County Public Library, helped plan Juneteenth celebrations for the campus and community, and assisted in the launch of the Groups Scholars Program.

Hur received the Senior Faculty Annual Research award, which recognizes scholarship accomplishments, as well as the faculty member’s contribution to their field and the enhancement of the culture of scholarship at IU Kokomo.

The selection committee was impressed by his overall research productivity and quality of his work, which focuses on public administration and management in the areas of human resource management, organizational behavior, public policy analysis, and program evaluation. He was noted for four conference presentations, five peer reviewed publications, two grants or fellowships, and the Kenneth J. Meier Award for the best paper in public administration, bureaucratic politics, and public policy from the Midwest Political Science Association.

The trustees teaching awards recognize faculty who have had a positive impact on student learning – especially for undergraduates. Department chairs and deans identify candidates, who are then recommended by a selection committee.

Dmitriy Chulkov, professor of business analytics and economics, was honored for his dedication to his department and his students. The selection committee noted that he changed academic areas, from management information systems to business analytics, and developed new curriculum for that field to meet new needs in the School of Business. He routinely teaches overloads in different modalities, and believes in hands-on, experiential learning. He pursues publishing and presents his research focused on the impact of new teaching methods. His problem-based learning teaching methods have been adopted at several universities. He is a Quality Matters reviewer for IU Kokomo.

Mark Meng, associate professor of hospitality and tourism, was applauded for his emphasis on experiential learning, and his respect for the diverse backgrounds and experiences of his students. He was recognized as a champion of the Kokomo Experience and You (KEY) program, and for integrating KEY experiences like travel to Walt Disney World Resort as part of his classes. He attended and hosted a conference in Canada this year and served on the board of directors for the International Society of Travel and Tourism, and on the editorial board of Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism.

Alina Mihai, associate professor of education, was noted for developing professional and knowledgeable teachers through mentoring, and her commitment to creating and delivering courses that are current and relevant. The selection committee also commended her for revising her courses based on student evaluations and peer reviews, and for applying current pedagogical research – including her own – to her class delivery. She was published in the Journal of Teaching and Learning and presented work at two international conferences.

Leigh Swartzendruber, clinical assistant professor of nursing, was commended for her dedication to educational and professional development, as well as mentoring students. She obtained her certified nurse educator credentials and was awarded the first Innovative Teaching Award through the School of Nursing and Allied Health Professions. She received a Women of the Well House grant and enhances her teaching with service-learning engagement, such as overdose lifeline training and Versiti blood drives.

Andy Tuholski, assistant professor of political science, was commended for responsive teaching, including significant course revision to support and enhance the design and development of high-quality student learning experiences. He also was recognized for accomplishments including receiving an Applied Learning grant, a Women of the Well House grant, an Audubon in Action grant, and an Environmental Action Grant to support student projects. He received the FACET Innovate Award and resident faculty Amicus Award.