Relay for Life in rebuilding mode

Written on 09/17/2024
Patrick Munsey

Walkers circle Foster Park to raise money in fight against cancer

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Once upon a time, the Howard County Relay for Life drew huge crowds of walkers and supporters who spent the weekend marching in memory of lost loved ones and in celebration of the survivors of cancer.

Then came the pandemic, and the Relay itself struggled to survive. If the turnout on Sept. 14 was any indication, however, the annual fundraising walk has turned the corner and is steadily rebuilding.

“It is a beautiful day to be out, celebrating those who have won the battle, supporting those that continue the battle, and honoring those that unfortunately have lost the battle,” said Mayor Tyler Moore as he opened the day-long event. “It's opportunities like this that we continue to come together to lend our support, love, and resources. Know that we are behind them and that we are praying for them.”

A faithful cadre of fighters took to the Walk of Excellence in Foster Park downtown to resume the Relay’s mission, and while the event covers just a single day, there was no shortage of enthusiasm. Colorful booths with merchandise ringed the trail as music wafted across the grassy infield.

There were people playing pickleball and cornhole, and a spirited group of warriors donned armor in the early afternoon heat to simulate medieval sword fighting. And of course there were walkers. Among them was oncologist Dr. Annette Moore, representing lead sponsor Community Health Network.

“We are looking forward to building this into a bigger and better Relay every single year, as we had in the past,” said Dr. Moore.  “With our partnership with MD Anderson, we're here to celebrate those that are fighting cancer and surviving cancer.

“We're adding programs to our cancer center to help do that, specifically starting up our stem cell transplant program this month for those folks who need some of the newer therapies that were only available in Indianapolis. We’re hoping to bring them to north and central Indiana. We are very proud to sponsor the Relay, and I am very happy to be here. I love seeing my patients and the survivors.”

The Relay stretched well into the evening, and once darkness began to creep into the park, luminarias were lit and placed along the trail to commemorate those who could no longer fight.

The Relay for Life may culminate with the walk, but fundraising takes place all year long. For more information on how to donate, visit the local Relay chapter on Facebook:

For additional photos from the Relay for Life, visit the Lantern’s Facebook page or group.