Tipton County planning ahead for growth

Written on 01/10/2025
Patrick Munsey

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Tipton County is actively shaping its future by launching two critical planning processes simultaneously: the Tipton County Comprehensive Plan and the North Central Indiana Regional Arts & Culture Plan. These initiatives will work to build a vision for a vibrant, thriving community and region.

Community members are encouraged to actively participate in both planning processes by sharing their insights through surveys and attending public workshops. These efforts are vital to ensuring that Tipton County’s future is built on a foundation of community collaboration and shared aspirations.

The Tipton County Comprehensive Plan is a shared vision for a dynamic, thriving community. Your input will influence key decisions that will shape the county for years to come. This is your opportunity to contribute to building the Tipton County you want to see. Join us in shaping tomorrow. Your voice today will lay the foundation for a brighter future for generations to come.

We are currently offering two ways for you to get involved:

• Take the Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tiptontommorrow

• Attend Public Workshops:

- Wednesday, January 15, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. at Tipton County Foundation

- Thursday, January 16, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. at Tipton County Foundation

- Wednesday, January 22, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. (Online: RSVP to jbarclay@hwcengineering.com)

Visit www.tiptontomorrow.org to learn more.

The North Central Indiana Regional Arts & Culture Plan aims to identify, prioritize, and support groundbreaking projects that will revitalize the region’s arts and culture scene. It will focus on identifying and prioritizing big ideas; ambitious projects that have the potential to transform the region.

These projects may include:

• Public Art Installations: Creating stunning public art pieces that enhance the urban landscape and inspire creativity.

• Arts Education Initiatives: Expanding access to quality arts education for all ages.

• Cultural Tourism Strategies: Attracting visitors to the region through unique cultural experiences.

• Performing Arts Venues and Facilities: Creating new spaces for artists to rehearse and perform for people within the community and without.

• Visual Arts Hubs: Developing spaces for visual artists to live, work, create, and display their work.

To get involved:

• Take the Survey: http://www.northcentralarts.com

• Attend the Public Workshop, Thursday, January 23, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. (Online: RSVP to communitydevelopment@tiptoncounty.in.gov)

These two plans are interconnected, with both focusing on creating a community and region where people thrive. By participating in both surveys and workshops, residents have the unique opportunity to shape Tipton County’s future while contributing to a larger vision for arts and culture in North Central Indiana.

Your voice matters in shaping decisions that will impact generations to come. Whether you’re passionate about community development or the arts, your input will ensure that Tipton County remains a vibrant, innovative place to live, work, and create.

For more information, please email communitydevelopment@tiptoncounty.in.gov