Cross America launching a podcast studio

Written on 03/07/2023
Patrick Munsey

This article is brought to you by Freedom Financial.

Cross America Community Center opened its doors five years ago with big dreams. The founders wanted to use the space to house their nationwide mission of sending a cross to every home in America. But there was so much more to offer.

The latest addition to the center will be a community podcast studio, open to anyone to use on a donation basis. And it is just weeks away from launch.

“We were dreaming about what we would like to do in the community,” said Crystal Sanburn, executive director of Cross America. “Podcasts are becoming very popular. It’s how a lot of people receive their news. You can pick and choose who you want to listen to, who you want to believe.

“There are more than 5 million podcasts currently in production worldwide, with more than 70 million individual episodes, according to CBS. Isn’t that incredible? Just about every group I’ve been involved with has some sort of podcast that they are thinking of doing or currently doing.”

Given that demand and the lack of studio space in Kokomo, Cross America chose to create a studio within its walls at 840 Daniel Dr. The facility will be open to the public, and anyone can reserve time to record their own podcasts.

“The first time they come in, we’ll show them how to use the facility,” said Sanburn. “We don’t want to have to reinvent the wheel. But the people using the booth will know how to create a podcast. We won’t have IT staff to teach them.

“That first visit is free. After that, we do ask for a donation. Not everybody can afford a big, expensive rental. Maybe they are just getting started developing their brand or audience. We want to give back to the community. That is what it’s all about.”

Sanburn explained that there will be few limits placed on those who choose to reserve the space. Although Cross America is an “unapologetically Christian” organization, adherence to a particular faith won’t be required to reserve the podcast booth.

The organization will have a committee that will review the subject matter being recorded, but Sanburn said Cross America doesn’t want to limit or censor content unless absolutely necessary.

“We don’t want to tell people there are things they can’t talk about, but at the same time we all want to be on the same page,” said Sanburn.


The booth is heavily soundproofed and sits on the second floor of the building, overlooking the Cross Assembly Room below. Thick, soundproofed glass allows people above to see below or vice versa, and a vintage “ON AIR” sign will be installed to let everyone know a recording is in process.

Before and after the recording, podcasters will be able to make use of the studio’s “green room.” The space is generously wired for post-production use so that casters can put the finishing touches on their work and upload it.

“You can wait your turn up here or watch people who are doing a podcast,” said Sanburn. “We ask you to do the recording as quickly as you can, but then you can utilize the green room to upload your footage. There is no time limit on the green room. We think it is going to be a pretty busy place.”

Reservations for the booth are required, and people already are inquiring about reserving time, Sanburn said. But the launch is still a few weeks away. Several construction materials were on back order, slowing the project’s completion.

“We had hoped to have the booth ready by March, but now we are thinking the first week of April,” said Sanburn. “We already have people inquiring about when they can start.”

The podcast booth is becoming a reality thanks to several sponsorships. The project is fully funded, Sanburn said, because of the generosity of The Community Foundation of Howard County, First Farmers Bank and Trust, McGavic Outdoor Power, Edward Jones, and Chariot Auto Group.

Those seeking more information about Cross America’s podcast studio can visit or follow the Cross America Facebook page. They also can call 765-780-3090.